Newport Beach Child Support Lawyer

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Newport Beach Child Support Attorney

Child support plays an important part in making sure your child has everything they need. Understandably, disagreements often emerge about the amount of support needed. If you are experiencing a child support disagreement, a Newport Beach child support lawyer can help.

At Engels-Janzen, we know that dealing with child support issues is stressful and frustrating, but whether you are trying to establish, modify, or enforce a child support order, our experienced team of child support lawyers can help to resolve the matter.

Newport Beach Child Support Lawyer

What Exactly Is Child Support?

No matter what relationship exists between the parents, the child—or children—need to be taken care of, and where custody deals with their environment, child support takes care of the day-to-day expenses. These expenses can be housing, food, education, or those “surprise” expenses that always seem to pop up.

California uses a formula to calculate child support, and the big factors include:

  • How much each parent earns (or should be earning)
  • How much time the child spends with each parent
  • Who’s covering health insurance and other must-haves
  • Any special expenses, like daycare or medical needs

It might sound straightforward, but it isn’t always. Sometimes, items do not fit neatly into a formulaic calculation, which is where having a good child support lawyer comes into play.

Getting a Child Support Order in Place

If you and the other parent can agree on a child support amount, that is great—but it still needs to go through the court to become official. This ensures it is legally sound and enforceable. If an agreement is not possible, the court then steps in to decide each parent’s contribution based on California’s guidelines.

At Engels-Janzen, we can walk you through the process, making sure all the right paperwork is filed and that you are getting the fairest deal possible.

When Life Changes: Modifying a Support Order

What works for everyone today might not always work for everyone in the future. If you have lost your job, taken on new expenses, or your co-parent received a large raise, it might be time to seek out a child support modification. The court does not just take your word for it, though—you are going to need evidence.

If you are thinking about adjusting your payments (up or down), we can help you build a solid case and effectively present it because ignoring changes and sticking with an outdated order can lead to legal trouble.

Dealing With Non-Payment and Enforcement

Unfortunately, not everyone plays by the rules. Some parents’ circumstances change, and they do not ask for a modification. A parent might ignore the law and refuse to make payments. If child support payments are not being made, the state takes it very seriously. California has several tools that can be utilized to ensure child support payments are made, including:

  • Wage garnishments
  • Seizing bank accounts
  • Property liens
  • Suspending driver’s licenses
  • Intercepting tax refunds

Whether you are trying to collect overdue support or facing enforcement actions yourself, it is crucial to address the situation the right way. Engels-Janzen can help you figure out the next steps and keep things from spiraling out of control.

High-Income and Self-Employed Parents

If one parent is self-employed, owns a business, or has multiple income sources, child support can get complicated pretty quickly. Standard formulas do not always show the full picture, and some parents are not forthcoming when it comes to reporting their income.

Whether you need help making sure the numbers are accurate or fighting an unfair request, a seasoned child support attorney from Engels-Janzen can dig into financial records and get to the truth.

Moving Away? Here’s What You Need to Know

New jobs, new relationships, new opportunities—you’re allowed to move on, but if a parent moves, it could mean big changes for your child support arrangement. California courts look at how your relocation might affect custody, support payments, and the child’s overall well-being before approving any changes.

If you are planning to move or need to respond to a relocation request, the compassionate legal team at Engels-Janzen can help you sort through the legal hoops and make sure your rights are protected every step of the way.


What If My Co-Parent Keeps Missing Payments but Still Posts Luxury Vacations Online?

In Newport Beach, if your co-parent is dodging child support but posting expensive vacation photos, those vacation selfies might be the evidence you need. Gather screenshots and give the experienced child support legal team at Engels-Janzen a call. We can help you pursue support when a co-parent is untruthful regarding their finances.

Can I Negotiate Child Support Without Going to Court?

Yes, if you and your co-parent can have a civil conversation, you can work out an agreement, but it still needs a judge’s stamp to be official. In order to be legally binding, a judge needs to ensure it is in the best interest of the child. They will also want to ensure the agreement is fair and reached without coercion from one parent. With the help of Engels-Janzen, you can reach a legally binding agreement and save yourself from future headaches.

What Happens If I Start Making More Money? Do I Have to Report It?

If you have landed a better-paying job, it is better to be honest about it before the other parent discovers it. If a modification is requested, the court will determine if the increase in pay requires a new order. Keeping things fair helps avoid unnecessary drama (and potential legal trouble).

Can Child Support Cover College Expenses?

Technically, child support usually ends when your child turns 18 or finishes high school. Some parents agree to keep the support flowing to help with college expenses. If you are hoping to chip in for tuition without it turning into a legal tug-of-war, getting a clear agreement in writing now can save you from future arguments.

Seek Help From a Dedicated Child Support Attorney at Engels-Janzen

At Engels-Janzen, we understand that child support is about more than money—it is about your child’s future. We can work together to find solutions that make sense for your family.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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