Costa Mesa Divorce Lawyer

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Costa Mesa Divorce Attorney

With over 15 years of combined experience, the attorneys at Engels-Janzen offer family law representation that is smart, strategic and compassionate. We understand how difficult divorce can be for the entire family, and we focus on providing divorce solutions that protect you and your children while safeguarding your long-term financial interests.

costa mesa divorce lawyer

A Basic Overview Of Divorce In California

The legal term for divorce in California is dissolution. When you file for divorce, you file a petition for dissolution. The State of California does not require fault in order to file for dissolution, it is a no-fault state. This means that you can divorce for any reason, and that reason cannot be held against you for the dissolution itself. Fault is sometimes a factor in matters like spousal support, custody of children and child support, which can get complicated and confusing.

The dissolution process is not an easy one. It is complicated to navigate and requires an attorney with a strong knowledge of the law and the court system. That’s what you can expect when you work with our firm.
Super Lawyers has named Chris Engels a Top Rated Family Law Attorney in Costa Mesa and selected him as a 2022 Rising Star

Addressing Division Of Property

California is a community property state, which means that any property, no matter where situated, while acquired during marriage, is presumed to be jointly owned. That definition is a mouthful and much more complex than “each spouse gets 50% of everything.” Community property is a presumption, and there are many factors that input into rebutting that presumption when fighting for separate property rights.

When you are fighting over houses, cars, stocks, bonds, retirement, pensions, checking accounts, debts, loans and anything else that you own, you want to make sure you have someone that knows the law and will fight for you like the attorneys at Engels-Janzen.
Read our answers to some commonly-asked questions about divorce in California.

Protecting A Closely Held Business In Divorce

Oftentimes couples have businesses that were started before marriage, during marriage and even a business partnership with their spouse. Business valuations and divisions are complicated and may require expert testimony to fully understand the scope and value of the businesses.

Christopher Engels is a business owner, has employees and understands the inner workings of small, medium and large businesses. With the aid of Engels-Janzen‘s exclusive accounting and business valuation expert, we can make sure you get all you are entitled to when it comes to community property business valuations.

Answers To Commonly Asked Questions About Divorce And Family Law

At Engels-Janzen, we find that clients and prospective clients are filled with questions, and it’s easy to understand why. Your family law case will have a major impact on your life. Below, we’ve answered some of the most common questions we receive. After reading, we invite you to contact us and ask your own questions in a free consultation.

How Long Will It Take To Finalize My Divorce?

Unfortunately, there is no blanket answer to this question. In many cases, couples must abide by California’s six-month waiting period, so it is possible your divorce will take at least that long. However, the other factors that influence the divorce timeline include the complexity of the marital estate, the level of cooperation or contention between spouses, whether or not you have children and the divorce method you use (e.g., litigated divorce or a form of alternative dispute resolution).

We strive to help you complete your divorce as efficiently as possible, but the length of the process will depend on the factors above and more.

Does California Favor Mothers Or Fathers In Child Custody Decisions?

There is no bias toward either gender – at least not in statute (written law) or widespread practice. California judges are not allowed to consider gender when making child custody decisions. Instead, they begin with the presumption of 50/50 custody. Both parents are presumed to be capable until and unless one party makes compelling arguments to the contrary.

It used to be the case that courts and judges tended to favor mothers in custody rulings, and it is possible that some judges are biased in one direction or the other. On the whole, however, parental gender should make no difference and your attorney can help make sure your rights are protected.

How Can I Protect My Small Business During The Divorce?

The best way to protect your business is to work with family law attorneys who also have significant business law experience – like those at our firm. California is a community property state, which means your spouse could be entitled to up to half the value of your business. We will work with you to properly value your business and its assets, then negotiate with the other party to acquire their stake in it (often in exchange for other assets).

I Earn More Money Than My Spouse. Will I Have To Pay Alimony?

Not necessarily. The income of both parties is just one of many factors judges will consider in spousal support decisions. Others include each spouse’s age and health, their earning potential, the overall terms of property and debt division, and more. Judges will also look at whether one spouse made significant nonfinancial contributions to the marriage such as leaving the workforce to care for the children.

Whether you believe you deserve alimony or think you’ll be asked to pay, our attorneys will work with you to ensure that the court has the information it needs to reach a reasonable ruling.

How Big Of An Impact Will Domestic Violence Allegations Have In My Family Law Case?

Family law judges take accusations of domestic violence very seriously (and so do the attorneys at our firm). If substantiated, the accusations would be a major consideration in determining child custody, and they may impact other decisions as well.

While false allegations of domestic violence are not as common as truthful ones, we realize that some parents do make false accusations in order to gain an advantage in court. Our first job is to help uncover the truth and tell your side of the story. If you’ve been abused, the court needs to know that your co-parent may be dangerous. If you were falsely accused, judges need to know that your co-parent isn’t acting in the best interests of the children and no longer has credibility.

Discuss Your Case With Us For Free

When you need to dissolve your marriage, you want someone you can trust, someone who will fight for you. You will find that here at Engels-Janzen. We are based in Cosa Mesa and serve clients throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties. To discuss your case and get your questions answered in a free initial consultation, call us at 949-269-7709 or fill out our online contact form.

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