Category Archives: Employment Law

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Are you getting enough paid sick leaves in California?

Employees can take a paid sick day for health treatments, diagnosis or preventive care. They can…

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When is a workplace violence restraining order appropriate?

Violence and harassment in the workplace can be harmful to the entire organization, making it a…

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What provisions in an employment agreement can be unlawful?

Employment agreements can have a wide range of variations, usually based on the position, the job…

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Recognizing the elements of constructive discharge at work

Facing tough situations at work can be stressful, especially when conditions become so difficult that you…

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United Airlines sued for California workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination in California is illegal and addressed in the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA).…

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4 elements of a wrongful termination case

Losing your job can be a distressing experience, particularly when you suspect an unjust termination. Wrongful…

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